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This LibGuide is published to promote access to the F. D. Bluford Library and Special Collections at North Carolina A&T State University, and research of A&T history remotely.

A&T 1930 - 1939

Ayantee Yearbook Staff 1939The Staff for the very first Ayantee Yearbook - 1939 

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

North Carolina A&T State University is an 1890 Second Morrill Land-Grant Act public university located in Greensboro, North Carolina.


1915  - 1957 - Negro Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina


Dr. Ferdinand Douglas Bluford (1925 - 1955)

Timeline 1930-1939


A&T was granted an "A" rating by the New York Department of Education and the American Medical Association.
The original Dudley Building is destroyed in a fire caused by "faulty wiring". The current Dudley Memorial Building is constructed the same year in its place.

On December 16, female students are allowed for the first time to participate in the student government as members of the Student Council.

The old A&T High School is closed. 


First sororities are established on campus: Alpha Kappa Alpha followed by Delta Sigma Theta. 

Dr. Carter G. Woodson is the spring commencement speaker.
Preston Haygood is the first graduate from A&T with a degree in visual arts.

Honorary Doctorate is presented to Richard B. Harrison at the Spring Commencement.

Richard B. Harrison is the first person of color on the cover of Time magazine, edition dated March 4, 1935. Harrison passed away just 10 days later at the age of 70.

A&T attained an "A" rating on the approved list of the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.

The Graduate School is founded and A&T was authorized to grant the Master of Science degree in education and certain other fields.
The Senior Class publishes the first "Ayantee" yearbook. The next volume would not be published until 1946.