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Thinking Critically At NC A&T SU

A guide to resources that support the five learning outcomes of NC A&T's QEP.



Note and evaluate facts and ideas to answer the question

Ø Identify conclusions, reasons, and assumptions.

Ø Judge the quality of an argument, including the acceptability of its reasons, assumptions, and evidence.

Ø Ask appropriate clarifying questions.

Ø Try to be well informed.

  • What criteria should I use to evaluate the information I found?

  • Have I considered its purpose, question at issue, supporting information, concepts, assumptions, inferences, implications, and point of view? (Paul and Elder, 2006)

  • Is the information clear, accurate, precise, relevant, logical significant, fair? Does it have depth and breadth? (Paul and Elder, 2006).

  • How will I determine what information to record?

  • How do I make notes effectively?

  • How do I comply with copyright issues?

  • Have I recorded my source citation information?