The student will demonstrate critical thinking skills through effective written and oral communication both within and across disciplines.
Enabling Objective for Outcome 5:
5. 1 The student will provide spoken arguments such that his or her argument is persuasive; organized; reaches valid conclusions, decisions, and problem solutions; uses language correctly; is confident; and supports argument with statistics or source material.
(VALUE Oral Communication Rubric)
5.2 The student will write clear arguments, conclusions, decisions, or problem solutions; that are persuasive, considers context and purpose; is written within the conventions of the discipline; uses valid sources; and uses correct grammar, mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, word usage, and vocabulary.
(VALUE Written Communication Rubric)
Skills to be taught in the freshman/sophomore/junior/senior courses:
• Use writing and reading skills to effectively communicate an argument.
• Use speaking skills to effectively communicate an argument.