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Thinking Critically At NC A&T SU

A guide to resources that support the five learning outcomes of NC A&T's QEP.

Explanation of Student Learning Outcome 3

The student will design the most appropriate and effective strategies to solve both disciplinary and interdisciplinary problems based on the situation.


Enabling Objectives for Outcome 3

3.1 The student will identify a topic that contributes to the discipline.

   (VALUE Inquiry and Analysis Rubric – Topic selection)

3.2 The student will investigate methodologies or strategies that are appropriate for the discipline.

   (VALUE Inquiry and Analysis Rubric – Design process)

3.3 The student will analyze or synthesize data in order to identify patterns.

   (VALUE Inquiry and Analysis Rubric – Analysis)


Skills to be taught in the sophomore/junior/senior courses:

Map strategies to solve problems.

Brainstorm effectively and determine alternatives.

Test a hypothesis, using inferential analyses in appropriate applications,

and interpret descriptive data.


Resources for Faculty

Resources for Students

F.I.N.D.S. Research Model

F.I.N.D.S. is a model you can use when conducting research or responding to an information need. Its name is an acronym for the five steps of the process: FocusInvestigateNoteDevelop, and Score. Each step of the process includes actions that one must take to actively engage in critical thinking.

Whenever you are faced with an information need, you can use the F.I.N.D.S. model to keep yourself on track. Use of the model can minimize the time you spend deciding what information you need, looking for relevant information, using the information you find, coming to your conclusion or making your decision, and evaluating your product and process.