Use these selected databases, providers and vendors to access journal information.
Begin your research with these databases/vendors and providers which are accessible through the library homepage tabs for "Databases" and "eJournals". Check each database for alerting, blog, facebook, RSS and YouTube™ features. provides full-text articles through another database/provider or may indicate no database access.
Most databases have links for:
Here are lists of databases that might help you, organized by category. All of these databases are available for on and off-campus users here or by going through the Library's Home Page at
To find these databases from the Library Home Page:
Please note: For off-campus access, please sign in by using your username, and your password.
Your username is the one you use for Blackboard or Wi-Fi For example, if your email address is
When searching in online databases, remember these rules of thumb:
These databases include articles from every discipline. From art to zoology, teaching to technology, you can find a little bit on any topic by using these research tools.