Academic Video Online is delivers more than 67,000 streaming video titles spanning the widest range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more. Curated for the educational experience, the massive depth of content and breadth of content-types (such as documentaries, films, demonstrations, etc.) in Academic Video Online makes it a useful resource for all types of patrons, giving libraries a high return on investment.
Aggie Gold Search is the Library's online catalog. It allows you to search for books, ebooks, journals (both print and online), articles, media (both physical and online formats), and more.
Collection of eBooks covering a variety of subjects, including arts and entertainment, business and economy, computer and internet, education, health, history, government and law, recreation and sports, reference, science and technology, social sciences, and society and culture.
Faculty Select allows instructors to search for high quality open textbooks, Open Educational Resources (OER), adoptable ebooks available through Bluford Library, and adoptable ebooks available for purchase all in one place. By leveraging open resources and low-cost library-licensed resources, faculty can reduce the cost burden for our students.
Films on Demand is an online collection of educational videos available for streaming. Subjects include anthropology, archival films & newsreels, area studies, art & architecture, biology, business & economics, careers & job search, communication, computers & technology, criminal justice, earth science, education, English & language arts, environmental science, family & consumer sciences, geography, guidance & counseling, health & medicine, history, mathematics, music & dance, philosophy & religion, physical science, political science, psychology, sociology, technical education, and world languages.
Kanopy is a video streaming service whose catalog includes critically acclaimed documentaries, feature films, foreign films, and more. To access Kanopy, you will need to log in with your OneID (the same credentials used to access email, Blackboard, etc.) regardless of whether you are on or off campus.
SAGE Research Methods is the ultimate methods library with more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles, case studies, data sets, and instructional videos by world-leading academics from across the social sciences, including the largest collection of qualitative methods books available online from any scholarly publisher. The site is designed to guide users to the content they need to learn a little or a lot about their method. The Methods Map can help those less familiar with research methods to find the best technique to use in their research. Built upon SAGEs legacy of methods publishing, SAGE Research Methods is the essential online tool for researchers.
The Alexander Street Press Video Collection is a set of streaming videos for learning and research covering multiple disciplines including the arts, social sciences, health, political science, and education. The twenty three collections are:60 Minutes, Academic Video Online, American Newsreels in Video, The BBC Landmark Video Collection, Border and Migration Studies Online, Contemporary Global Issues in Video, Counseling and Therapy in Video, Dance Online: Dance in Video, Engineering Case Studies Online, Environmental Issues Online, Ethnographic Video Online, Food Studies Online, Forensic Nursing in Video - A Symptom Media Collection, Music Online: The Qwest TV Collection, National Theatre Collection, Nursing and Mental Health in Video: A Symptom Media Collection, Nursing Education in Video: Third Edition, PBS, The Projectr Core Collection, The Royal Shakespeare Company Collection, The Sixties: Primary Documents and Personal Narratives 1960-1974: Video, Social Work Online, and Teletherapy Skills in Video: A Symptom Media Collection.
Bluford Library updgraded from Art & Architecture Complete to Art & Architecture Source, adding great full-text coverage of peer-reviewed journal titles. Art & Architecture Source has been designed for use by a diverse audience that includes art scholars, artists, designers, college students, and general researchers. This database covers a wide variety of pertinent subjects, including antiques, art and art history, interior and landscape design, and much more.AAS provides full-text coverage of 380 periodicals and more than 220 books. In addition to full-text journals, Art & Architecture Source includes a collection of more than 63,000 images provided by Picture Desk and other sources. It also includes 14,000 indexed art dissertations and 229,000 indexed art reproductions.
Curated videos that provide therapeutic methods and diagnoses, insight into the human condition, and training in skills such as reflection and empathy while working with specific populations such as veterans and teens.
Digital Theatre Plus offers online access to a digital streaming video collection of unique films showcasing current, leading British theatre productions. The collection also features behind-the-scenes documentaries and educational resources designed to enhance understanding of the performances and texts. These resources include detailed introductions, plot summaries, character biographies, relationship maps, language analyses, scene studies, performance backgrounds, and historical contexts for each play.
Founded by Nathan B. Young, the first Black appointed municipal judge in St. Louis, and several prominent African American businessmen, the newspaper has been a voice in highlighting St. Louis’s historical significance for African Americans from the early mid-19th century to the 20th century.