This Guide was originally created by Gloria Pitts, retired Reference Librarian and Archivist. This Guide is maintained by James Stewart and Lee Love.
This selective guide is designed to assist you in finding information from the F. D. Bluford Library on aspects of the Sit-In Movement that began in Greensboro, NC in 1960.
On February 1st, 1960 in Greensboro, North Carolina, four A&T freshmen students, Ezell Blair, Jr. (Jibreel Khazan), Franklin McCain, Joseph McNeil & David Richmond walked downtown and “sat - in” at the whites–only lunch counter at Woolworth’s. They refused to leave when denied service and stayed until the store closed.
Key Timeline of Events.
December 1959 - Joseph McNeil is denied service at a restaurant during the Christmas Season.
February 1, 1960
February 2, 1960 - More than 20 students join in the sit-ins and all are denied service. Local media began covering the movement. The "Student Executive Committee for Justice" was organized. The committee sent a letter to the president of F.W. Woolworth
February 3, 1960