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Mens et Manus: A Pictorial History of North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University

Celebrating 125 years of History, this book is the Text-in-Community title for 2015-2016! This Guide will provide access to the resources used to author the book and other supplementary material.

How do I participate?

Schedule subject to change. 

Check back for updates.


Summer Scavenger Hunt

August 3-7, 2015, Daily Prize! 


Book Distribution to New Freshmen

September 2-30, 2015 @ Bluford Library

Students will come with their ENGL 100 or ENGL 101 class


Required Reading for ENGL 100 and FRST 100


Homecoming Week "Talk with the Authors"

October 22, 2015 @ 1-3 pm, in GCB A-218

Authors will be present for a Reception and Book Signing


Alpha Lambda Delta/Honors Colloquium Panel Discussion

October 29, 2015 @ 7pm, in ACB 109

Guest Speakers and Student Panelists


First TiC Quiz Bowl

November 17, 2015 @ 6-8 pm, ACB 101

Teams of Students! Prizes! Food!


Bluford Library "Lunch & Literature" Discussion

February, 2016 @ 12:30pm, Bluford Library