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Job Resources

This guide will introduce some of the F. D. Bluford Library's resources to help your job search.

Career Databases

These databases are specifically geared towards job-seekers and students exploring careers and trying to decide on a career path.

Use your BlackBoard credentials to log into these databases if you are off-campus. 


Welcome to this guide designed to help students choosing a career, searching for internships, creating lists of companies, seeking resume advice, and finding other employment information.

This Guide focuses on tools for finding out about companies before an interview, reading about job advice, developing your cover letter, creating a resume, and working on networking. Because there are so many job sites on the Internet, this Guide does not focus mainly on lists of job leads. Those can be found through the Office of Career Services. The Office of Career Services is also the best place on campus to arrange meetings with career experts.

Craigslist Jobs

See the most recent employment classifieds from Craigslist, for your information. The F. D. Bluford library does not recommend or guarantee any job from this list.

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